Thursday, November 26, 2015

Day 26: Thanksgiving

Today marks the first Thanksgiving I have ever spent away from my family. It also marks the first time in a nearly 10 years my family is having Thanksgiving at my Grandma's house. Needless to say, I am feeling the 4,744 miles it is between Norway and Utah.

However, being in a country that does not celebrate Thanksgiving gives me an excellent opportunity to teach other people about my culture and tradition. So I created a small slideshow and presented it to my 4th grade class. They were interested in the Indians and Pilgrims. But they were VERY interested in all of the food. They really enjoyed learning about it, I think. I wish I had the forethought to make some of the foods for them so they could try them. Maybe I can make at least one of them next week. Perhaps a banana cream pie? Or stuffing...

I am increasing my knitting skills. Hilde taught me how last week and I finished my first hand warmer... it is a little lumpy and obviously not as perfect has hers are, but overall I thought it went well. I started my second one that I think it is going to turn out very good! Maybe I can give these for Christmas presents! It might not come from Norway but it certainly was inspired by Norway!

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