Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Day in Odda (oh duh)

We went to Odda yesterday. The experience, unsurprisingly, was amazing.  We got to see some of the history of the area in a video and then saw an old hydro power plant. This factory was not the boxy, blocky, ugly factories that I come to think of when I think "factory." In fact, the video we watched said "Once people realized that factories didn't have to be ugly, everyone was much more willing to have it built in their town." The building is now a museum, and also used for concerts. The acoustics in the old factory are so good that they built a stage right on top of the power generators! 
The river that the factory used (and a different one 600 meters inside the mountain uses now) is under the glacier. It spits out something like 50,000 liters per second into these pipes on the side of the mountain. You can see the pipes in this picture. 
The tour guide said that they put the pipes up there one section at a time. There were men standing on the mountain, tied to each other and mountain, pulling each pipe piece up hand over hand. That is crazy! 

After we went to museum we go to see a dam, which was amazing. Then we went to a fish farm. This farm had rainbow trout and salmon. We got to see how they immunize the fish! Holy cow, it was cool! Apparently they raise the fish on land in tubs until they are 100 grams and then send them out to places in the ocean where they live for 1 and a half years before slaughter. 
When that was all said and done we were so hungry. It was 1 and we all normally eat at 11! We were taken to a barn house that was built in 1812 and ate the most delicious soup and bread. I wish I could go back and eat some more. It makes me want to make more soup. 

Our lunch table. This was a barn in Sundal that was built in 1812. The bread was hot and the food was delicious! The room was heated with a wood stove and everything was so quaint.

Bit Soup. It was made with ham, beef, sausage, carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, onion, and celery. Yes, it tasted as good as it sounds. 

The world's only authentic antique power plant control panel. 

Someone made the comment that this looked like Star Trek.

This dam was built a long time ago and is beautiful! Even the factories in Norway are beautiful!

This tunnel is 11 kilometers and 126 meters. That is about 7 miles long. The acoustics were great! 

This is a waterfall just before one of the tunnels. Sometimes it is so full that they have to close down the road! 

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