Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 31: Time Will Tell

Well my students took the heredity test today. Only three people got 100%, and my the percentage of students over 80% was only 70% of my students. For tier one instruction that number is supposed to be 80% . Good news, I get to teach it again. I get to teach Mrs. Stewart's class and hopefully I can help them understand it better. This will make it much easier for me to gauge myself on how well I can improve. I will have to ask Mrs. Burton to send me the scores because I will not be here when the students take the test. By here, I mean America.

I expect I will be getting my hiking boots for Norway anyday now. And I will be getting some questions answered so that I can plan. I am excited for my first year (and the consecutive years after that) to know what it is I need to prepare so that I can start planning before hand. I read a well written article about one teacher who started planning in the summer and did a broad year long plan, then a month to month plan, and finally a week by week plan. I hope I can get to that eventually.

My cooperating teacher gave me a wonderful compliment yesterday and another one today. She told her husband that she didn't mind taking a day off while I was here because she knew everything would be taken care of. And today, she told me she was talking with the principal and told her that they needed me in their school. She also offered to give me a good word to the principal's and assistant principal's of some schools back where my family lives. I am sure my mom would love that. We'll see what happens.

I still don't know where I will be teaching come January. But I feel that that is to be expected. I need to start looking for jobs soon, but The ones that I really want, the full time teaching jobs, may not be available until closer to January.

Things to do in my first year
In my desk: tweezers, band-aids, scissors, rulers, hair ties, bobby pins, thumb tacks, basically a McGyver kit.  

1 comment:

  1. You might want to consider feminine hygiene products as well. Some girls start early these days.
