Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 30: Surprise!

Surprise substitute today! My teacher's baby was sick so she was only there for half a day. While I do teach on my own every day anywhere, I am not sure what it is about Mrs. Burton not being that, but everything seems to be just a bit harder when she is gone. After lunch was when she left today. And after lunch went pretty well, overall I can't complain too much. I didn't even do anything different than I do on other days. I wonder if it is all just in my head. Will I feel that way when I start teaching in my own classroom?

In other news, I finished my first unit today. I hope the kids do well on their test. I thought I had put everything on there, but maybe I missed something. I guess that is what happens when I create my own unit.

My cooperating teacher from Norway also sent me a whole bunch of pictures and gave me some advice on what to wear! That makes me happy!

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