Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 16: Writing Magic

I am going to need to work on my classroom management. The kids will listen to me but it is not the same way that they listen to Mrs. Burton. I think I am going to need to be a little bit more strict with them.

I didn't get to do my writing lesson today, but I did get to see Mrs. Burton do a pre write, or a roller coaster write. It is where you do nothing but write for a few minutes. Then she had the kids share what they had written with their table. I made some "Magic Writing Pens" today. They are just regular pens that are a little bit fancy. When I give them to the kids I will tell them "These pens make your writing good whenever you use them." It will also solve the problem of them erasing. I am going to need to teach them that when they make a mistake, they have to put a single line through it and move on. This will also help them with their math timings I think. A lot of them are still erasing or scribbling out their answer. Just a line does it.

Tomorrow I am going to do my writing lesson, and it is going to be a mini lesson on using sensory words. For example: Their sentence could be "She saw the blue sky." We know exactly what happened, but we can't feel it, we can't see it in our mind, there is nothing to describe it. So I will teach it in two steps. Let's add some describing words. "She glanced up and looked at the sky, blue as the ocean." This is more interesting to read and begins to paint a picture with words. "She glanced up into the sapphire expanse that unfolded above her. " Much more descriptive and give a better image for the mind to imagine. I hope they will get it. I am only going to have them do it to one sentence.  Maybe I should call it expanding their sentence...

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