Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 24: Genes or Jeans?

Heredity... is not an easy thing to teach. And I need to discover a way to make it more interesting. I planned for a bunch of stuff today, took some out, and now I realize that I need to take out even more! We didn't get to half of the vocab words that I wanted to get to today. Maybe I should just have them up and they kids write them down at the beginning. Then mark everytime we use the words in our discussions. That may be a much better idea than what I was doing. I think I will try that tomorrow.

Mrs. Burton left the classroom during math today without telling me, on purpose. She wanted to see how I would handle the classroom. Overall I thought it went well, the noise level was good, the kids all got their work done. I didn't do a very good job of looking over the class as I was helping individual kids, but I can get better at that.

A pretty good day today, I learned that having too much to teach is better than too little, so long as you can prioritize.

Things to do my first year:
Decide how much noise I want in my room
If I am going to do transitions to music, what songs am I going to choose? Will it depend on the grade I am in? 

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