Friday, September 25, 2015

Day 28: observations

I had my last observation by my supervisor today. She observed my Heredity lesson, which I have create from almost scratch. Once again, she had only positive things to say.
I love all of the encouragement, which I feel like I do need. But I wouldn't mind getting some constructive criticism. There is always something I could improve on and would love to see what that is from an outside perspective.
I think  I could improve on the noise level. I want the students to feel comfortable sharing and helping one another, but I don't want off-topic chatter. That seems like it will be a difficult thing to obtain, but maybe possible.
I also need to find a way to help these 5th graders figure out how to multiply a whole number by a decimal such as
The kids don't understand where to put the decimal. I need to find a way to help them understand!

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