Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day 20: Double Hockey Sticks

Today .... was hard.
My teacher took the day off, so it was me and the substitute. But I was already planning on doing everything anyway.
I didn't think it would be as hard as it was.
It was HARD!
I felt like crying half way through the day, and then... we had inside recess.
Cherry. On. Top.
But my lessons went well, overall. My students were fairly well behaved and I did not break down and cry.
So I count today as a success.
During my math lesson I realized that the problem I had created for my students. I did a three term addition problem using decimals. Now, yes, it is possible. But there is no reason to confuse my students. So I pulled a pro teacher move and used it as a way to teach those kids how to separate the problem and solve it in a way that they knew how.
I also was teaching our science today wish is on measurement. We have been working with the metric system and I don't know how to teach that in a way that they will understand it. Maybe I should find a website that could help.

I think that today could have gone better if it was my own classroom. Part of the reason it didn't go well was because I didn't know everything that I was supposed to do until half way through the day. My teacher had to teach part of it to me and she didn't get to call me until just before lunch. If it was my classroom I would know what I was doing.
Today was not fun, however there are plenty of days that are wonderful and my lessons go well. I just need to look for those days.

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