Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 15: Real Teaching Stuff

I taught two lessons today. I tried to prepare them well, but I have never seen how this program worked and was pretty nervous. Overall I did a good job, but I always have things I can improve on.

the lesson was supposed to teach transitional phrases and the order of a story. I was supposed to use a flow map and use it to teach these things.
One problem. When I got up there... I didn't bring my notes with me. If I had a smart board program all set up with phrases that the students could put onto a flow map, that would probably work really well. I also think I should do more of a mini lesson for writing (Though I only had 15 minutes today so I guess that is a mini lesson).

Guided Reading:
I had two main groups of people, those who needed support and those who needed an extension. During Guided Reading time the students have 4 stations that they go to and mine is one of them. So I  got ready to talk about the book we are reading, Night of the Spadefoot Toads, and to compare the different settings. In the book it had two totally different activities for the support and extension groups. I didn't like that, so I decided to do them all the same. Overall the students were engaged and understood that Mrs. Tibbits acted differently at school than she did in the forest.
At the end of the day I looked at my notes... I wish I had brought them over with me. I had unconsciously created two very good lessons, one for the support and one for the extension, that were about the same thing just varied levels. And both of the lessons taught the lesson the book wanted to teach.  Tomorrow I will actually look at my notes.
Good news! Mrs. Burton said that I did a very good job pacing the groups spending only about 10 minutes with each one. I thought I did well with that too so I was happy to hear it from someone else.

Mrs. Burton's main concern was my management of the class. During writing she noticed quite a few people were off task and she suggested that I wander the room (Teacher Proximity). I am so thankful that she is willing to give me constructive criticism! She also suggested that I set my expectations at the beginning of the lesson. I.e. Have your notebooks at the top of your desk and your pencils put away until the lesson is done.
For guided reading she explained her expectations a little more. She wanted me to make sure that every group is on task, since there are four groups and I am only dealing with one at a time, that makes it difficult. But if I was in my own classroom that is what I would be doing anyway, may as well get used to it now!

I am nervous about Norway. I don't know what I am going to teach there or how the system works or what I am going to bring for my students. I don't even know what I will be able to buy at the store or if I even want to buy anything! I keep trying to plan ahead but I am not sure where to start.

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