Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 32: Desk-less

I love teaching. Even when it is hard. It is a challenge every day. Every day I have to try to do something different and new while still keeping it the same. That is a difficult thing to do, but one that keeps me on my toes and keeps me wanting to try again tomorrow. I know that no day will be the same, and that is wonderful.

Something that worries me is parents. I don't know how I will communicate with parents and keep them informed about things that are going on in their classroom. I understand that I need to have a good relationship with the parents of my students, but I need to figure out how to do that.

I was also talking with Mrs. Burton today about a deskless classroom. How would that work? I read this article a while back and it has stuck with me. When I start my own classroom do I want to have a desk at first? Do I want to take the desk away later and see what the difference is? Well, I guess I don't really have to decide until I actually have my own classroom. It is difficult to plan for anything when I don't know where I will be or what I will be teaching.

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