Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 27: Thursday

Mrs. Burton often is gone for the entire day now, always in the building, mostly in the "middle room" but she leaves me in the classroom so that I can have free reign. I have really enjoyed this because it means that I get to experiment to see what works, and decide how I want to run my classroom in the future.
My lessons have been going well. I am just taking it one day at a time. Maybe one day I will be able to take it two days at a time. But for now, I am just relishing in the fact that I can get 6 lessons completed the night before. I have started to get a system down for how I do the different lessons. Math, I make a smartboard presentation. That serves as my lesson plan. I already have planned out what pages the students will be doing, so that works well. Then comprehension, guided reading and writing all come from the same ReadyGen book, so I go through those and write down what it is that I am supposed to do. Then plan my Heredity lesson, which I only have to do for 2 more days, then I will have them all for the next time. I enjoy my system.
I am so thankful for this experience! Student teaching in Mrs. Burton's room has been a wonderful experience and has opened my eyes. I think I would rather teach 5th grade than a younger grade. I would love it! I would love any grade, but 5th grade seems like such a challenge!

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