Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day 22: By the Seat of Your Pants

Today I made an important discovery.

Planning is very important.

Especially for a teacher. Because even with a plan, we wing so much stuff. We have to just go with the flow, follow the train of thought of our students and teach them as much as we can. Sometimes the plan doesn't even happen. But because we had a plan, we know what should have happened and what needs to happen tomorrow so we can stick that part of the plan into a different part of the day.
That only happened 6 times today.
Maybe only 7 tomorrow.

I have made a lot of plans, only to discover that I don't like the way I planned it, or I need to cover more material, or I didn't get to cover previous material that now needs to be covered... So I have to make it up as I go, all the while still teaching these children that learning is interesting and important.

I think this is a very important thing to remember.

Things for the first year: 
Inquiry Based Lessons are well and good- but it is okay to do things a little more simple the first year.
Have extensions for early finishers
Make compliments specific and not attached to anything not applicable. "You are so smart!" "Wow! Your brain was working really well on this test, you must have studied so you could understand!"

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