Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 29: 2 Weeks and Counting

Sometimes, I just wing it.
My cooperating teacher has been stepping out of the room, sometimes for the whole day. She is always close by, but almost never in the room. So I do everything. I very much enjoy this. But some days, I wish she was there so I could ask her questions.

I got an e-mail from my cooperating teacher in Norway with a small letter from her class. She just told me about a field trip they did to the dump and how they learned about recycling and such. She sent me a picture of her class and they are so cute! I am so excited to get to meet them! I am done with this part of my student teaching in two weeks, then it is onto Norway. It is getting so close!
I started looking through the English book and website they use in Norway. It seems to be pretty good, but it was all in Norwegian so... that didn't help me much. Maybe I should have one that would be the opposite of it.
The public library has a subscription to a program called Mango Languages and it is really pretty fantastic. My goal is to do one lesson a day. Maybe eventually I will be able to remember what I learn! I also want the students to know that they are not the only ones trying to learn a new language. I can make a fool out of myself trying to learn. And if I can do it, they surely can!
Leaving to another country is becoming more and more real. Yeah I spent all of the money, but I haven't see the fruits of that money yet! The time just keeps getting nearer and nearer!

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