Friday, September 18, 2015

Day 23: One Step At A Time

Making things cute, fun, interesting, and educational is a full time job all by itself, let alone trying to teach it as well.
As I am going through this block of student teaching I am realizing that I learned a lot of good things from my level III classes, but so many of those things I won't be able to d until I am a 5th year or better teacher. And then there is just not enough time in the day for everything. I wish I knew how to fix all of the problems with our education system, but I have the beginnings of ideas, and on my own, those will never come to light. But this is why I have friends, co-workers, and mentor teachers. They can all listen and give ideas as well.

This weekend I am going to be making some booklets for our Heredity unity, and I am pretty excited about them, I basically need to go through all of it on my own tomorrow before I can teach it on Monday. I have so many things I need to do tomorrow. No time for anything else! I need an extra day in my weekend and no distractions, but when is that going to happen?

First Year of Teaching
- Know all procedures for the first day of school
- reward system all set up
- Have a skeleton of entire year with catch-up and bubble days worked in 

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