Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 8: My Brain Hurts

Today I got to teach English and Arts and Crafts again.
English... was a nightmare. I started by splitting the kids into two groups. This was my first mistake for today's lessons. Half the kids were working on their Halloween stories and half of the kids started writing letters to my American students. Yeah, those kids can't write on their own! I should have realized that after watching them write their Halloween stories ( it took them three days for 5 sentences.) I left that class feeling really discouraged. I went over what Hilde thought and she had some good ideas. Some of them were writing the letters together, talking about strange words, and letting them talk about their letters together. Overall... I need to re think that lesson!

Arts and Crafts went much better. I did the Picasso face with my new improvements. That worked out well! I also told the kids if they asked me questions they could get candy. I had questions for the entire two hours! I did switch to stickers which they also loved. I am going to need some more stickers!

Hilde had me read a paper to her in Norwegian today and then she translated it... that was so mentally taxing. I don't know that I have done anything that hard in a while.

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