Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 4: Can Do Attitude!

Today was the first day that I didn't feel totally overwhelmed. I still didn't understand everyone but it was okay. I got to do some teaching which always makes me feel better. The kids also gave me a list of foods to try and I started keeping a Norsk Journal. These two things... I think made a huge different.

Before I get into those I was noticing some things that I dislike about the school system ( I had to look hard for these)
- They don't have as much technology. There is a set of computers for the entire school and everyone shares them. Yeah they only have 100 kids, but still, they could use those computers a lot! Every classroom has a Promethean board, which is like a next gen SmartBoard.
- Blackboards. They still have blackboards. I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes it is very useful to have a blackboard, other time I wish I had the smoothness of a whiteboard. Both have their place I think.
- National tests are the same everywhere. (from what I have observed). I watched the 5th grade take a national test. The only real differences were that the teachers could explain what the question asked of the student. They couldn't explain the concept, which is to be expected. But in America the teachers can't even answer any questions!
- The classrooms are pretty small. Smaller than the classrooms in the states. Hilde is in one of the biggest classrooms and it is not big. I think every classroom should have plenty of space for activities.
- Big desks. All of the desks are huge! Okay, not huge but at least one and half of the start desk size in the US. They also have these really cool chairs that are made so students can lean their chair back or sides ways and have a footrest that is bumpy. That is perfect since the kids don't wear shores in school.
- Recess. They have recess every hour. And school is out by 2 pm every day.

Okay so that was not all things that I don't like.. I only really don't like the lack of technology or the small classrooms. Everything else on that list I really love!

Foods to Try:
- fiskburger (fish burger)
- farikol (sheep, cabbage, peppercorns)
- hjort
- pinnekjott
- makrell (in a can)
- krabbe (crab)
- roykt fisk (smoked fish)
- blot kake (sponge cake)
- fiskkake (fish cake)
- orret (trout)

Norsk I have learned
liker du - (likado) do you like
ha det - (ha dey) good bye
tak - (toc) thanks
finn fram - (fin from) find
bokene (the o has a slash through it) - (bo-ken-uh) the books
gjer side - (yer seeda)  do page...
bra - (brra) good, well done
ha det bra - (ha dey brra) have it good
raud (growl the r - roud) red
sand - (sont) true
usant - (osont) false

A long vowel sound happens where there is one consonant.
short vowel sound happens if there is two conontants after.

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