Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Day 35: Evaluations

I only have 3 days left at Ellis Elementary. My teachers keep telling me they don't want me to go. Good self-esteem boost for me.

Mrs. Burton and I went over some of the evaluations she did on me today. I am always surprised at how other people see me. They notice things that I don't notice. Which is why other people evaluate me and not myself.

Speaking of evaluating myself, I need to take a video of myself teaching and then watch it and critique myself. I want to do that this week so I don't have to think about it when I am in Norway. There are a lot of things I don't want to think about in Norway. Like how I will be nearly broke. Or how I won't have all my own things. This is crazy! I am going to Norway really soon!

Teaching today was a kind of eye opening. I have learned the value of changing the volume of my voice. When I drop down to a whisper it throws the kids off really quickly. They don't know how to act. Being loud is natural for me. I can talk over all of them. But that is not the goal. The goal is to keep the kids engaged and learning. And a great way to do that is to vary my volume.

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