Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 37: Challenges

There is more challenge to teaching than just the kids or the material. More than just planning the lessons and the tests and making sure that it is integrated and you have met all of the standards. That is only part of teaching. The other part is emotional and all consuming. My life does not begin at 7 am and end at 3 pm. I am not only alive in the classroom, living and breathing education. No. I am a person who has hopes and dreams, who has a life beyond the school room. And there are so many outside variables that effect my performance in the classroom. I have all of these emotions about totally different things that change my perspective or alter what I think about student behavior. All the parts of my life bleed together, as they should. But it makes it difficult to separate them. While I want to be a cohesive person, I also want to make sure that I can be professional when I need to. This is fairly easy most time, but every once in a while... it is difficult. Thankfully, I have wonderful examples and can follow them.

I went to get gifts for people in Norway yesterday... I only ended up getting gifts for the people here. I can't get a gift for someone I don't even know! I would rather get them something they will love and cherish. Something that will let them know I was paying attention to them. So I am just going to get them something when I get to Norway.

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