Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Day 36: By Any Other Name

Bitter-sweet endings. I am so excited to be moving one step closer to my degree and getting a good paying job. But I wish I didn't have to leave these kids and this school. I love it at Ellis, and I love working with Mrs. Burton. I love creating lessons and watching them either work or bomb. Then I can figure out how to do better next time.

The thing that is really getting to me right now is that I have no clue as to what I will be doing when I get to Norway. I have some paper information, some correspondence with my teacher. But in reality I am going to a foreign country to teach in a foreign school system. While this is exhilarating it is,at the same time, nerve wracking. Very unnerving to be looking forward to this.

Teaching is something I have wanted to do desperately. This semester I have felt that I can truly do this profession. In my level three I was certain I was going to be a failure no matter what I did because there was too much to do. There is still too much to do, but I have seen how to work through it, how to pick out the parts that are most needed. I now know that I can't do everything my first year. I have to just figure it out one step at a time.

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