Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 3: Hodet

Well, I now know what it is like to teach in conjunction with another teacher. And I can see how it would work. But it will take time for me and Hilde to be able to work seemlessly together. It will probably happen right before I leave. Right now, even though she speaks English, there is still a language barrier. I try to tell her something but she doesn't know what one word means and so the whole sentence doesn't make sense. We will get past it eventually. 

I taught English and Arts & Crafts today. English we sang a song about the months and practiced our verbs and our nouns. For Arts and Crafts we started the Picasso Hodet (or Picasso Head). They made their patterns, which turned out pretty cool. Some of them were really cool! Here are the ones I made. 

Next Wednesday or Onsdag we will do the head portion. I need to remember next time I do this assignment to tell the students that they can't have any white space in any of their squares and if they want white they need to have a white colored pencil. 

The 5th grade girls found out that I like to do nails and so I am bringing my nail polish stuff to school on Monday. If I were to do that in the States... I don't think I could do it in the States. 

There was a faculty meeting today, which they just called a meeting. All 14(ish) teachers were there and they started out their meeting by turning to look at me (all of them) and saying "we want to welcome you to Valen school." Then proceeded to ask for all of my free time. I now have quite a full schedule and I think it is going to be very fun. Lots of English teaching and two days of Arts & Crafts, some P.E. and some random things stuck in there. It is going to be very fun! 

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