Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 2: Harder than Day One

Making it through today was rough. Take away the fact that I forgot my lunch on the counter (poor pizza), and just focus on the fact that everyone around me speaks a different language. My brain hurts! I am so tired, physically and mentally. It is exhausting to be around all of this language that I don't understand. It gives me a lot of sympathy for those students who come into America not knowing any English.

Here some some things I thought were interesting about the Norwegian school system today:
- The students didn't talk at all when coming into class
- Hilde has taught the same students for 2 almost 3 years.

Some things that I realized today:
- I really need to be better at mental math!
- I can help in the classroom, even if I can't speak to them.
- It is better to grade the homework each day rather than let it pile up for the entire week.

I get to start teaching tomorrow. I am going to teach part of an English lesson and all of Arts and Crafts (with Hilde translating). Hopefully we will be good. I am doing a lesson with the Picasso Head thing that I did a while ago. This is what mine looked like and an example of the texture/pattern page. I hope that they will like it. I made some slides to introduce Picasso and translated them into Norwegian, but... I didn't know how to do the grammar in Norsk so I did simple phrases and hoped that would be good enough.

Since football is so big here, we (the American student teachers) have decided to play football everyday. WE only played for a little bit today, but it was still fun! I think I want to go for a run tomorrow. Maybe I'll have my mom send my running shoes over.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I know how you feel! Teaching alone is exhausting all by itself, but add a language you don't know and it's crazy tiring! But soon it will get more and more rewarding! And remember love is universal! They'll feel that you care! Trust me I know! It was the same with Spanish!
    And yes I think it's a great idea to have your mom send your running shoes 😁
