Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 5: A Little English, A Little Polish

Today I got to be in three different classrooms. 3rd grade, 4th grade and 7th grade. I would have also been in 6th grade, however they were just refreshing on how to get online to do a test and that is pretty much the same everywhere. 
In 4th grade today I got to help kids figure out what to draw. That was fun. I showed one student how to draw fire, another how to draw a flying carriage. Not too shabby. 
In 3rd grade we learned the names of fruit and berries. According to the Utah Core Language Standards these kids are in the Level 1 category of speaking when it comes to everyday objects. They can't have a conversation with me. But they can listen pretty well, though they don't understand everything. 
Then to 7th grade. By far, this was my favorite part of the day... okay second favorite part. The kids talked to me and asked me questions. They gave me foods to try and told me about what they were writing reports on. It is very refreshing to be able to talk to people. I never knew how difficult it would be to not be able to communicate well with everyone around me. 
My favorite part of the day recess. I know, typical answer. But today there was a good reason for it. Last week I had promised the 5th grade girls that I would paint their nails. And today was the day we had decided to do it. I brought my nail polish and they lined up to have their nails painted. But it did not stop with the 5 girls I promised. No, some of the boys wanted their nails painted, and then the 3rd grade girls and then some 4th graders. There seemed to be a never ending line! I told them I would have to do more tomorrow. And that is true! I also need to bring my acetone so they can clean their old nail polish off first. I won't do it for them though. They will have to do it. (I don't want to ruin my nails!)

Some things I noticed today, or rather have been noticing but stood out to me today.
- Everyone talks over each other. Whether it is conversations going on in an X shape, or someone interrupting and talking first. It is all fair game in Norsk. And no one seems to be offended by it. Which I appreciate that they aren't offended, but I think I would rather just listen to one person at a time. 
- Mental math. Most of the math I have seen here has been mental math. The students solve pretty large addition and subtraction problems (in 4th grade) in their heads. Pretty awesome. 

After school the other student teachers and I went and played football (soccer) and basketball. I had so much fun! and it was nice to get all of my energy out from the day of sitting and standing at school. 

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