Friday, October 2, 2015

Day 33: SEP Prep

SEP prep day today. I was amazed at how wonderful I felt. I loved being there and getting ready. I felt peaceful. It helped me to see that I love all the parts of teaching. The challenge of creating engaging lessons, seeing those lessons through to the end and then seeing if the students understood. The organization it requires to run a classroom with 25+ students. The many different ways I can express myself and what I love through my classroom and teaching. The challenge of developing relationships with parents. The monotony of grading. The structure of a schedule I love it all. This is how I feel now. Maybe one day I will need to look back at this post so that I can remember.

I sometimes think that I am different from everyone else. I won't burn out. I won't do this stupid thing. But I do. I may be different, but I am similar enough that if I don't make a considerable effort I probably will burn out. And I am not okay with that. I want to help the children to love to learn. I want to make sure that I can provide a safe spot for kids where they know how the day is going to be.

Just to reiterate, I love 5th grade. I was so sure that I would hate it. And I am surprised more and more every day how much I love it! Those kids are so smart! One thing I didn't want was the rebellious side of the kids. One thing I failed to realize is that with structure and firm rules, that rebellious side is minimal. Very manageable.

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