Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 8: The Next Three Years

Well, today I experience what I have been told will be my life for the first three years I teach. I went through school sick. I was fine this morning, got to school, and then BAM! It hit like a wall. My nose went runny, my throat hurt, my head hurt, my body was tired. But I still smiled and did everything I needed to do. That is going to be so great!

We also had our first inside recess today, and I realized I never thought of what we would do during inside recess. So my teacher said she has procedures for inside recess, and they followed them very well.  But what am I going to do for inside recess? She has board games, VHS and puzzles. They are not allowed to do electronics (though VHS is too old school to be electronic) and can't be super loud while they are inside. Inside recess does happen often, so it is good to know what I want to do.

In the morning all of the students have morning work, and they have to check in with Mrs. Burton. This takes a long time, and if they don't do their morning work in line, then they don't get it done. But today she explained to me why she does it in the first place. She loves to get to talk with each student every morning. Some students can slip under your radar just because they are so quiet. Doing it this way she makes sure that she speaks with everyone. I don't know if that system would work for me, but I do want to find a way to speak with every student every day.

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