Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 2: Poco A Poco Se Anda Mucho

First faculty meeting of the year! The school police officer spoke to us about what we can call him for as well as when to report child abuse. (FYI: A teacher must report child abuse if their is physical evidence AND a statement from the child. If you have reasonable suspicion... that works too. DCFS for Logan, UT: 855-323-3237) That was very good information for me to have as well as all of the teachers there. 
The principal had us all meet with the different faculty which was very fun to meet so many different people! She also made us a little treat with the faculty theme for the year:

She also compared the school to mountain climbing. All mountain climbers have certain things to keep them safe. A harness, carabiners, shoes, and a belayer. Each one of these is similar to a person who helps the students learn and grow. The harness is like the specialists at the school who work with your students trying to make sure no one falls behind. The carabieners are the curriculum specialists who teach you how to use the different materials you are given so you can better give that information to your students. Climbing shoes are the resources available to the students like the library, other teachers, parents, friends. And last is the belayer who is the teacher. A belayer guides a climber up a rock face and holds their rope so they don't fall. The belayer can see paths that the rock climber cannot see and will shout it up to them. This is what a teacher does. 

What a wonderful analogy! I loved listening to that! On a sillier note, we were required to read through some updated district material, and we needed to read every slide. Each teacher took turns reading a slide. About half way through, and half the teachers were asleep, one decided to sing her entire slide to the tune of "Climb Every Mountain!" from the The Sound of Music. That woke everyone up pretty quickly. After that several other teachers either sang their parts or spoke with an accent. When it came to my turn, the accent I had wanted to do was already taken, so I spoke with a Russian accent. The entire room was rolling on the ground laughing. I was glad we had a way to make it interesting 

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