Monday, August 17, 2015

1st Meeting with Cooperating Teacher

Good morning!

This week, I start my student teaching and I have to say, I am nervous. Perhaps it is because I have not been in a classroom all summer, or maybe because after this I will be a full on teacher with 20-30 kid's learning in my hands. Maybe it is both.

Either way, I am going to do it, and I am going to do it well.

I went through my student teaching packet thoroughly today. I wrote down all of the expectations that I need to meet as well as when I need to get things done. Thank goodness the University is so organized!

I expect this meeting with my cooperating teacher to go well. From the e-mails we have exchanged she seems like a wonderful person, and hopefully one that will help me to grow and become better. We will discuss where I will teach my lessons, and plan some together. I am very excited for the cooperative teaching that is required by the University. I think that it will help me to be better at self-evaluation.

I have been looking up things on Pinterest to help me with my student teaching. So far one of the most helpful articles I have found was 8 Things I Wish I Knew as a Student Teacher. I loved the advise it gave, as well as the insight into something I have not yet done, and am slightly terrified to do.

Alright, I am not as terrified as I was a few weeks ago, now I am more excited to start this last part of my pre-teaching journey.

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