Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Way it "Should" Be

This video was shown towards the end of my art class. (minus the spanish subtitles) But really. What is art?
I don't have an answer.
Art is in the eye of the beholder. To me, even scattered papers over the ground can be art. But to to ohers, it must have a purpose. Art cannot be accidental.
I had a creative arts teacher who said when he was in 2nd or 3rd grade he drew a picture and made the sky purple and the grass blue. He took the picture to his teacher, expecting praise. She took one look at it and shook her head.
She stood up in front of the class room and held the picture up for all the students to see.
"this is not art." and she proceeded to rip the picture and throw it into the garbage, right there, in front of everyone.
So to her, everything must be the way it should be, but then that brings up the discussion of 'how do we know what should be?'
People thought the world was flat, that was the way it 'should be' until someone proved to them that the earth was round, then that was the way it 'should be.'
There is no right answer. There is no "this is art, and this is not."
for some this can be art
for others only this is art =====>
so what is it really?
What is art?

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