Friday, October 24, 2014

Why do I want to be a Teacher?

A question I have been asking myself lately.
My original reason was:
"I want to make a difference, I want to be around children, I want to have a challenge."
As I dissect my reasons I find I need to reevaluate why I want to be a teacher.

- I want to make a difference. -
Teaching is not the only place I can make a difference. However it is a good place to make a different. I just wrote a paper on George S. Counts who wanted to reform society and schools together to create a better society. He said “We are convinced that education is the one unfailing remedy for every ill to which man is subject.” And in some senses it is. Education is how we shape the future generation, and I want to be a part of it. I do what to help shape the children of the future and I want to be an active force for change in our world. Yes, I can do that in many places, however teaching is the place it speaks most to me.

- I want to be around children. -
Yeah, this reason could be tossed. There are so many other professions out there where I could work with children, and be significantly less stressed, and have significantly less work to do. However a teacher and her student have a unique bond, and that is something that I want to experience and cherish forever.

- I want to have a challenge. -
And this reason is the cake topper. "I want a challenge"? There are SO MANY other fields of work where I would be constantly challenged. If I chose a career in Mathematics, I would be challenged from the very start. If I chose to be an artist, I would be challenged to create different works of art on a regular basis. But teaching provides its own challenges, and those are the challenges I want. I want to puzzle over how to help a student and discover what is going to work for that child. I want to grow with the students as we learn together how to get along with one another. I do want the challenge of teaching, specifically.

On this blog I have been posting some lesson plans, and how I thought they went, which I think is a great way to evaluate myself. Also doing this post was helpful, reminding me why I am here in the first place. Since I have been in the Teacher Education program I have found several educational blogs that I love to look at. Some are more sophisticated than others, but all have great material.

Literacy Blog from Edutopia

Blog where Students can post their work

A blog to tell the hilarious things you hear in class!

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