Monday, April 25, 2011

Picasso Head

Here is the artwork of two students who participated in my Picasso head lesson. 
Here is the lesson plan

Picasso Head

Grade Level

4th Grade


Students will create a Picasso-esk portrait of a friend, using textures

Materials Needed

Per Student. # of Students ____
-       1 sheet of paper
-       2 sheets of cardstock
-       6 colored pencils (primary and secondary colors)

Teacher Resources
-       Picass’s paintings (3 examples)
-       (3) Student example -       Color wheel 


Students will learn to use lines to create a pleasing shape using lines of different thickness (a, c)
Students will learn to draw what they see without looking (p, c, a)

Standards Addressed

Identify Experience: Contour Line
Research Create: Characteristics of lines


Analogous: 3 colors touching each other on the color wheel i.e. red, red-orange, red- violet
Complimentary: colors across from each other on the color wheel
Primary colors: Red Yellow Blue
Secondary colors: Green Orange Purple
Pablo Picasso: A Spanish painter who lived from 1881- 1973


-       Show some of Pablo Picasso’s paintings, especially his self portraits
-       Inform the children they will be creating a picture like Picasso’s
-       Get a partner, draw their face without looking at your paper, and without lifting your pencil
-       Draw your partner’s face again, this time try to make the picture fill the whole page. Still don’t look at the picture, and don’t pick up your pencil.
-       Get out sharpie marker and trace over the lines, make some lines thick and some thin, cover every line.
-       Set this paper aside
-       On a second sheet of paper, fold it so that there are 8 squares
-       You should put a pattern in each square using these idea’s (Left to right, top): Complimentary colors, Small texture, Primary colors, your choice. (Left to right, bottom): Analogous colors, large texture, secondary colors, your choice. (use only primary and secondary colors, mix colors if you need to)
-       Now transfer your patterns onto your head, you must use 7 of your textures.


Observe the child’s pictures, have they created a aesthetically pleasing picture while still using all of their textures on their Picasso head?
Did the child take time to make their picture look professional?


If coming up with designs to put in squares seems to hard for the students, try having different mason jars (8) and having them draw what they feel as their texture.

Teacher Resources

The boys I did my practicum with were fairly receptive, but not how I had imagined.  They did what I asked, but I had to be very specific in what I wanted, or else they would find a way around it to make it easier for themselves. They did not want to try very hard
Next time I do this lesson, I will be sure to show student artwork, instead of my own. I feel as if using my own art work hindered the boys in creating their artwork, as  if they felt they had to live up to my standards.
During this experience I have realize that I need to be much more prepared when I teach art. There were so many things I had not anticipated that I now know about and will help me to be better at teaching every subject. 

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